view:43347 Last Update: 2022-8-30
نشریه علمی لیست وزارتین نمایه شده در ISC | 37.
Saeid Reza Tofighi, Farshad merikh bayat, Farhad Bayat Disturbance Rejection of Non-Minimum Phase MIMO Systems: An Iterative Tuning Approach Aut Journal Of Modeling And Simulation Issue - (2022-12-29) PP. 1-20
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 36.
سعیدرضا توفیقی, فرشاد مریخ بیات, فرهاد بیات Designing and tuning MIMO feedforward controllers using iterated LMI restriction Electronic Research Archive شماره 30 (1401/02/05) صفحات 2465-2486
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 35.
Farshad merikh bayat, Mehdi Afshar Formulation of nonlinear control problems with actuator saturation as linear programs EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL Issue 61 (2021-09-15) PP. 133-141
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 34.
Farshad merikh bayat, Mehdi Afshar Control of input-affine nonlinear systems via linear programming INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL Issue 31 (2021-09-07) PP. 9358-9371
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 33.
Atefeh saeidian, Farshad merikh bayat, Abolfazl Jalilvand MULTIVARIABLE FRACTIONAL-ORDER PID TUNING BY ITERATIVE NON-SMOOTH STATIC-DYNAMIC H\Infty SYNTHESIS Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Issue 24 (2021-08-23) PP. 1094-1111
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 32.
- -, Farshad merikh bayat A linear matrix inequality approach to discrete-time finite impulse response controller design for integrating time-delay processes Scientia Iranica Issue 28 (2021-06-01) PP. 1570-1578
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 31.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat Structured controller design for closed-loop D-stability in convex/non-convex regions: Mixed integer-linear programming approach IET Control Theory and Applications Issue 15 (2021-01-01) PP. 77-87
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 30.
Mohsen noorazar, Vahid Rashtchi, Ali Azarpeyvand, Farshad merikh bayat Code Acceleration Using Memristor-Based Approximate Matrix Multiplier: Application to Convolutional Neural Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS Issue 26 (2018-12-30) PP. 2684-2695
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 29.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat Multivariable Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller Tuning Via Linear Matrix Inequalities Based on Minimizing the Nonconvexity of Linearized Bilinear Matrix Inequalities JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Issue 140 (2018-11-01) PP. 111012-1-111012-9
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 28.
Mohsen noorazar, Vahid Rashtchi, Farshad merikh bayat, Ali Azarpeyvand Towards memristor-based approximate accelerator: application to complex-valued FIR filter bank ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Issue 96 (2018-09-15) PP. 577-588
علمی-پژوهشی Scopus | 27.
Saeid Reza Tofighi, Farshad merikh bayat A benchmark system to investigate the nonminimum phase behaviour of multi-input multioutput systems Journal of Control and Decision Issue 5 (2018-06-01) PP. 300-317
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 26.
Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi, Farshad merikh bayat, Asghar Taheri Voltage-mode robust controller design for DC–DC boost converter at the presence of wide load and input voltage variations based on finite-state-machine model IET Power Electronics Issue 11 (2018-05-01) PP. 866-875
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 25.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat An iterative LMI approach for H\infty synthesis of multivariable PI/PD controllers for stable and unstable processes CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN Issue 132 (2018-04-01) PP. 606-615
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 24.
Mohsen noorazar, Vahid Rashtchi, Ali Azarpeyvand, Farshad merikh bayat Memristor-based approximate matrix multiplier ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Issue 93 (2017-11-01) PP. 363-373
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 23.
Sara Hatamzade Arabi, Farshad merikh bayat A Practical Method for Designing Linear Quadratic Regulator for Commensurate Fractional-Order Systems JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Issue 174 (2017-08-06) PP. 550-566
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 22.
- -, Farshad merikh bayat, Abolfazl Jalilvand IMC-PID controller design based on loop shaping via LMI approach CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN Issue 124 (2017-08-01) PP. 170-180
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 21.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat A uniform LMI formulation for tuning PID, multi-term fractional-order PID, and Tilt-Integral-Derivative (TID) for integer and fractional-order processes ISA TRANSACTIONS Issue 68 (2017-05-01) PP. 99-108
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 20.
Saeid Reza Tofighi, Farhad Bayat, Farshad merikh bayat Robust feedback linearization of an isothermal continuous stirred tank reactor: H∞ mixed-sensitivity synthesis and DK-iteration approaches TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL Issue 39 (2017-03-01) PP. 344-351
Mehdi Afshar, Farshad merikh bayat, - - Stepwise Solutions for Optimal Control Problems Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering Issue 13 (2016-10-31) PP. 24-37
| |
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 18.
Farshad merikh bayat, - - Practical method to make a discrete memristor based on the aqueous solution of copper sulfate APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING Issue 122 (2016-06-01) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISC (سامانه نشریات علمی جهان اسلام) | 17.
محمد جمادی, فرشاد مریخ بیات, مهدی بیگدلی Very accurate parameter estimation of single- and double-diode solar cell models using a modified artificial bee colony algorithm International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering _ دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران جنوب با همکاری انجمن شماره 7 (1394/12/12) صفحات 13-25
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 16.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat The runner-root algorithm: a metaheuristic for solving unimodal and multimodal optimization problems inspired by runners and roots of plants in nature APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING Issue 33 (2015-05-05) PP. 292-303
سایر با هیات تحریریه | 15.
ابراهیمی فرد پریا, کاظم مظلومی, فرشاد مریخ بیات --- فصلنامه فنی و مهندسی بنا و نما شماره 16-17 (1393/11/01) صفحات 70-80
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 14.
Farshad merikh bayat, Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi, Seyed Mohammad Reza Khalili Discrete-Time Fractional-Order PID Controller: Definition, Tuning, Digital Realization and Some Applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS Issue 13 (2015-01-01) PP. 1-10
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 13.
Farnood merikh bayat, Farshad merikh bayat, Saeid Bagheri Shouraki The Neuro-Fuzzy Computing System With the Capacity of Implementation on a Memristor Crossbar and Optimization-Free Hardware Training IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS Issue 22 (2014-10-15) PP. 1272-1287
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 12.
Farnood merikh bayat, Saeid Bagheri Shouraki, Farshad merikh bayat memristive fuzzy edge detector Journal of Real-Time Image Processing Issue 9 (2014-09-01) PP. 479-489
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 11.
Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi, Farshad merikh bayat Programmable discrete-time type I and type II FIR filter design on the memristor crossbar structure ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Issue 79 (2014-05-01) PP. 529-541
سایر با هیات تحریریه | 10.
Ebrahimi Fard paria, Kazem Mazlumi, Farshad merikh bayat OPTIMAL PROTECTION COORDINATION FOR MICRO GRIDS WITH GRID CONNECTED AND ISLANDED CAPABILITY international journal on technical and phisical problems of engineering Issue 6-1 (2014-03-01) PP. 204-209
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 9.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat Fractional-order unstable pole-zero cancellation in linear feedback systems JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL Issue 23 (2013-07-15) PP. 817-825
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 8.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat General formula for stability testing of linear systems with fractional-delay characteristic equation CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Issue 11 (2013-06-15) PP. 855-862
علمی-پژوهشی None ISI | 7.
Farshad merikh bayat, Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi, Farnood merikh bayat Circuit proposition for copying the value of a resistor into a memristive device supported by HSPICE simulation Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences Issue 4 (2013-04-15) PP. 31-37
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 6.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat General rules for optimal tuning the PIλDµ controllers with application to first-order plus time delay processes CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Issue 90 (2012-12-15) PP. 1400-1410
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 5.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat Rules for selecting the parameters of Oustaloup recursive approximation for the simulation of linear feedback systems containing PI λ D μ controller Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation Issue 17 (2012-04-15) PP. 1852-1861
علمی-پژوهشی None ISI | 4.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat, Mohsen parsa moghadam, Farshad merikh bayat A new mathematical clustering-based approach for substation expansion planning International Review of Modeling and Simulations Issue 5 (2012-02-15) PP. 385-393
علمی-پژوهشی سایر | 3.
فرشاد مریخ بیات - ابزار دقیق شماره 4 (1390/08/10) صفحات 34-35
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 2.
Farshad Merrikh-Bayat Efficient method of time - domain simulation of the linear feedback systems containing fractional order controllres ISA TRANSACTIONS Issue 50 (2011-01-15) PP. 170-176
علمی-پژوهشی ISI-JCR | 1.
Farshad merikh bayat, Masoud karimi ghartamani Method for designing (PID mu)-D-lambda stabilisers for minimum-phase fractional-order systems IET Control Theory and Applications Issue 4 (2010-01-15) PP. 61-70
Presentations in Seminars & Conferences | |
ملی معتبر |
22. Saeid Reza Tofighi, Farshad merikh bayat, Farhad Bayat Designing a Feedforward Controller Using LMI’s for Disturbance Rejection of Non-Minimum Phase MIMO Systems Iranian conference on electrical engineering(ICEE) انجمن علوم مهندسی برق ایران, تهران, 2022-05-17 - 2022-05-22 |
ملی معتبر |
21. Mojtaba Hadi Barhaghtalab, Saleh Mobayen, Farshad merikh bayat Design of a Global Sliding Mode Controller Using Hyperbolic Functions for Nonlinear Systems and Application in Chaotic Systems Iranian conference on electrical engineering(ICEE) انجمن IEEE و دانشگاه یزد, یزد, 2019-04-30 - 2019-05-02 |
بینالمللی |
20. Saeid Reza Tofighi, Farshad merikh bayat, Farhad Bayat Optimal feedforward control design for a non-minimum phase quadruple tank process International Conference on Electrical, Mechanical, Computer and Mechatronics Engineering SRPioneers, United Arab Emirates, 2017-02-09 - 2017-02-10 |
بینالمللی |
19. Farshad merikh bayat, Farhad Bayat Method for the undershoot-less control of non-minimum phaseplants based on partial cancellation of the Non-minimum phase zero:application to flexible-link robots International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ترکیه, Turkey, 2013-09-26 - 2013-09-28 |
بینالمللی |
18. Farhad Bayat, Asghar Taheri, Farshad merikh bayat Optimal observer designing for eMPC International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ترکیه, Turkey, 2013-09-26 - 2013-09-28 |
بینالمللی |
17. Farshad merikh bayat, Farnood merikh bayat, Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi A method for automatic tuning the memristance of memristive devices with the capacity of applying to memristive memories International Conference on Computer Systems and Industrail Informetics شارجه, United Arab Emirates, 2012-12-18 - 2012-12-20 |
بینالمللی |
16. Farshad merikh bayat, Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi Performance Limitations of Optimal Fractional-Order PID Controllers Applied to First-Order Plus Time-Delay Processes Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications چین, China, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-17 |
بینالمللی |
15. Farshad merikh bayat, Alireza Jamshidi gharaghiyeh Comparing the Performance of Optimal PID and Optimal Fractional-Order PID Controllers Applied to the Nonlinear Boost Converter Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications چین, China, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-17 |
بینالمللی |
14. فرشاد مریخ بیات General Rules for Optimal Tuning PI¸D¹ Controllers with Application to First-Order Processes with Very Large Normalized Dead Time Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications چین, China, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-17 |
بینالمللی |
13. فرشاد مریخ بیات More Details on Analysis of Fractional-Order Lotka-Volterra Equation Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications چین, China, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-17 |
بینالمللی |
12. فرشاد مریخ بیات On the Possibility of Unstable Pole-Zero Cancellation in Feedback Systems Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications چین, China, 2012-05-14 - 2012-05-17 |
بینالمللی |
11. Farshad merikh bayat, Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi Introduction to the Nonlinear PIλDμ Control IEEE International Conference on Control System , Computing Engineering مالزی, Malaysia, 2011-11-25 - 2011-11-27 |
بینالمللی |
10. Farnood merikh bayat, Saeid Bagheri Shouraki, Farshad merikh bayat Memristor crossbar-based hardware implementation of fuzzy membership functions International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery چین - شانگهای - Galaxy Hotel, China, 2011-07-26 - 2011-07-28 |
بینالمللی |
9. فرشاد مریخ بیات Optimal tuning rules of the fractional - order PID controllers with application to first-order plus time delay processes International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes چین - هانگزو, China, 2011-05-23 - 2011-05-26 |
ملی معتبر |
8. Mohammad Reza keyvanpoor, Farshad merikh bayat, Farnoosh merikh bayat - Iranian conference on electrical engineering(ICEE) دانشگاه امیر کبیر, تهران, 2011-05-17 - 2011-05-19 |
بینالمللی |
7. فرشاد مریخ بیات low -cost numerical algorithm to find the series solution of nonlinear fractional differential equations with delay WCIT -, Turkey, 2010-10-07 - 2010-10-10 |
بینالمللی |
6. فرشاد مریخ بیات time series analysis of parkinsons disease huntinggtons disease snd amyotrophic lateral sclerosis WCIT -, Turkey, 2010-10-07 - 2010-10-10 |
ملی معتبر |
5. Morteza Bayat, Farshad merikh bayat - Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference دانشگاه ارومیه, ارومیه, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15 |
ملی معتبر |
4. Farshad merikh bayat, Morteza Bayat - Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference دانشگاه ارومیه, ارومیه, 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15 |
ملی معتبر |
3. Farshad merikh bayat, Seyedeh Nafiseh mirebrahimi - Iranian conference on electrical engineering(ICEE) دانشکاه صنعتی اصفهان, اصفهان, 2010-05-11 - 2010-05-13 |
بینالمللی |
2. Farshad merikh bayat, Masoud karimi ghartamani A Control Method for a Class of Minimum-Phase Fractional-Delay Systems Based on Shaping the Sensitivity Function International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, ... (ECTI) پاتایا, Thailand, 2009-05-06 - 2009-05-09 |
سایر |
1. فرشاد مریخ بیات Stability of fractional-delay systems: a practical approach IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications دانشگاه چانکایا, Turkey, 2008-11-05 - 2008-11-07 |