فارسی English Books Book title Kind of Publication Publisher Author/Authors Translator/Translators Publacation Date PDF FILE Analysis of the tests Master of Accounting (language, industrial accounting and auditing)   Gathering and Writing July 2007 Analysis of the tests Master of Accounting (Mathematics and Financial Accounting)   Gathering and Writing July 2009 Accounting trilingual dictionary (Turkish English Persian)   Writing In Print Malek Ashtar Command structural analysis in the presence of Allameh Jafari   Gathering and Writing In Print Biography of Syed Ahmad meraji   Writing October 2014 finance for non finance managers   Writing July 2014 tax accounting   Writing August 2011 Accounting sistem   Writing October 2012 ESP FOR ACCOUNTING   Writing October 2005 Accounting Principles 2   Writing mohammad imani akbar zavari farzad ghayour November 2010 Accounting Principles 1 [Abstract   ] Writing mohammad imani akbar zavari hamzeh didar October 2009 دريافت:1428