view:29380 Last Update: 2025-1-31
PhD : Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, Geology (petrology) , 2009-2002 |
Thesis Title : Petrology, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Qaradagh batholith (East of Syahrood, Eastern Azarbaijan) and Related Skarn, with Considering Mineralization |
Subject-class : Petrology of Granitoids and Skarns and intrusion related deposits |
Supervisor : Dr. Hossein Moinvaziri |
M.Sc : Tabriz University, Iran, Geology (Petrology) , 1999-1997 |
Thesis Title : Geology and petrology of Livanloo volcanic rocks (south east of Bozgoosh mountain) with considering perlitic rocks |
Subject-class : Petrology of volcanic rocks and perlite mineralization |
Supervisor : Dr. Mansour Mojtahedi |
B.Sc : Payam-e- Noor University of Tabriz, Iran, Geology , 1997-1992 |