view:24050 Last Update: 2025-1-8
PhD : Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Iran, Communication Engineering (Fields & Waves) , 2016-2011 |
Thesis Title : Analysis of Reflectarray Antennas Supported by Uni-axial and Bi-axial Anisotropic Layers |
Subject-class : Providing a mathmatical method for the analysis of the periodic structures with the electrical and magnetical anisotropic layers and implementation a reflectarray antenna with the anisotropic substrate |
Supervisor : Dr. Zahra Atlasbaf, Prof. Mahmoud Shahabadi |
M.Sc : K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran, Telecommunication Engineering-Field and Wave |
Thesis Title : Design, simulation, and implementation of the printed dipole antenna loaded by Metamaterials |
Subject-class : Antenna miniaturization using Metamaterial structures |
Supervisor : Prof. Manouchehr Kamyab |