view:38261 Last Update: 2020-6-6
PhD : Tarbiat Modares, IRAN, computer-Software engineering-Security , 2019-2012 |
Thesis Title : Host-based Unknown Malware Detection using Ensemble Classifiers |
Subject-class : Information Security-Malware-Intrusion Detection Systems-Anomaly Detection-Ensemble Classifiers |
Supervisor : Dr. Mahdi Abadi-Dr. Saeed Jalili |
M.Sc : Tarbiat Modares, IRAN, computer-Software engineering-Secuirty , 2004-2002 |
Thesis Title : Increasing Resistance of Security Agents in Computer Networks |
Subject-class : Information Security-Intrusion Detection Systems |
Supervisor : Dr. Saeed Jalili |
B.Sc : Tehran University, IRAN, Computer-Hardware Engineering , 2002-1997 |
Thesis Title : Design and Implementation of SDRAM Memory |
Subject-class : Design of Main Memory |
Supervisor : Dr. Naser Yazdani |