view:49128 Last Update: 2020-11-6
- Winner of the IJCAS Contribution Award (confirmed by Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)) in 2018.
- Listed by Essential Science Indicators (ESI) as one of the top 1% best researchers in the field of Engineering in 2018.
- Top Reviewer for Engineering, Multidisciplinary and Electrical Engineering based on Publons records.
- Top Researcher of Faculty of Engineering, University of Zanjan, from 2015 until now.
- Listed by SciVal as the most top worldwide researcher in the fields of “Decentralized control; Large
scale systems; Time delay” based on scholarly publications during 2013-18, August 2018.
- Top researcher of Engineering Faculties in Zanjan province, 2015.
- Publication of 10+ highly-cited papers in the field during 2015-2017.
- Publication of 28+ papers in first quartile (Q1) of ISI Journals.
- Outstanding reviewer of the journals in the field during 2017-2018.
- Recognized as One of the Exceptional Talents by office of Exceptional Talents of Tarbiat Modares
University, 2009-2012.
- Being recognized as One of the Exceptional Talents by office of Exceptional Talents of University of
Tabriz, 2007-2009.