view:60693 Last Update: 2024-10-9
- Highly Cited Researcher ( Stanford University study of the worlds top scientists ), 2020
- Distinctive Professor of University, 2019
- Distinctive Researcher of University, 2016, 2020
- First rank PhD graduate (GPA 19.4/20), 2010
- Outstanding reviewer of "Int. J. Mech. Sci." ; "J. Sound Vib." ; "App. Math. Model." ; "Thin-Walled Struct."
- Best PhD Thesis of the Year in the Acoustic and Vibration Field (Sharif University Competition)
Outstanding Publication
- Highly Cited Paper ( Top 0.1% of Papers in Engineering Field ) based on the "Essential Science Indicators" of Thomson Reuters:
1- Analysis and modeling the size effect on vibration of functionally graded nanobeams based on nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory, International Journal of Engineering Science, 77: 55-70, 2014
2- Exact solution for axial and transverse dynamic response of functionally graded nanobeam under moving constant load based on nonlocal elasticity theory, Meccanica , 52:1441-1457, 2017
- ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles:
1- A High-order Theory for the Analysis of Circular Cylindrical Composite Sandwich Shells with Transversely Compliant Core Subjected to External Loads, Journal of Composite Structures, 94: 2129-2142, 2012. (Full Text) (- Selected among the ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles in Composite Structures (Impact Factor: 5.138), April-June 2012).
2- Finite Element Modeling of Low-velocity Impact on Laminated Composite Plates and Cylindrical Shells, Journal of Composite Structures, 93: 1363-1375, 2011. (Full Text) (- Selected among the ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles in Composite Structures (Impact Factor: 5.138), January-March 2011, April-June 2011, January-December 2011 full year). (Full Text)
3- Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Structures with a Flexible Functionally Graded Syntactic Core, Journal of Composite Structures, 91:229-235, 2009. (- Selected among the ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles in Composite Structures (Impact Factor: 5.138), July-September 2009).