بازدید:45110 بروزرسانی: 27-08-1403
1- Please search about Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
2- Post-lab questions: Answer fully all questions posed at the end of the laboratory write-up.
3- All laboratory reports are due two weeks after the end of the experiment. Late reports will be penalized 1% per day except in extenuating circumstances. Each report will be worth 4% of your final mark, with the lowest grade being dropped in the final calculation. The final exam will be worth 30% of the grade.
4- Each student in the group must have a lab Notebook and bring it to the lab every week. You should keep a good notebook with all the calculations and the results
5- http://oxfordchemserve.com/chromium-alum-chromium-iii-potassium-sulphate-99-100-g/
6- http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%AC
7- For advanced search please go to (http://www.science.gov/topicpages/m/mcquay+eija+kalso.html)