view:48788 Last Update: 2025-3-2
Course: PhD
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
10 | GholamhosseinTavassoli | In progress | Computer Engineering | In the proposal preparation stage | SuperVisor |
9 | Babak Rokh | In progress | Computer Engineering | Efficient processing for accelerating deep neural networks | SuperVisor |
8 | Samaneh Rahimi | In progress | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Maximally Redundant Unsigned-Digit Number Systems | SuperVisor |
7 | Kamal Mohammadi Asl | In progress | Computer Engineering | In the proposal preparation stage | SuperVisor |
6 | Omid AbbasZadeh | September 2021 | Computer Engineering | Parallel and Knowledge based approach for Inferring Gene regulatory Networks | SuperVisor |
5 | Mohsen NourAzar | September 2017 | Digital Electronics | Code Acceleration Using Memristor Based Analog Computation | Advisor |
4 | Samira Nazari | In progress | Computer Engineering - AI | Analyzing and Improving Reliability of Optimized and Modern Deep Neural Network Structures | SuperVisor |
3 | Shima Pouyan | October 2023 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Predicting the potential for theft behavior from video images | SuperVisor |
2 | Saeed sharifian Moghimi Moghadam | In progress | Digital Electronics | In the proposal preparation stage | SuperVisor |
1 | Pouria Khani Zadeh | In progress | Computer Engineering - Artifitial Intelligence | Early Stage | SuperVisor |
Course: M.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
19 | Zahra Salehi | July 2021 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design of approximate boot multiplier using approximate compressors | SuperVisor |
18 | Sakineh Seidi | September 2018 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design of Approximate Arithmetic Blocks | SuperVisor |
17 | Zahra Valipour | February 2018 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Fault Tolerant Task Scheduling for Real-time Multicore Processor | SuperVisor |
16 | Soodabeh Bagheri | February 2020 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Instruction Level Reliability Analysis for Superscalar Processors | SuperVisor |
15 | Ghazaleh Ahmadi | February 2018 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Reliability and Power Aware Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor | SuperVisor |
14 | Maryam Hassani | September 2017 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Automatic Code Annotation for Approximate Computation | SuperVisor |
13 | Rouzbeh Jozpiri | September 2017 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | High-Performance VLSI Signal Processing Using Systolic Arrays | SuperVisor |
12 | Samira Nazari | September 2017 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Neural Network Based Approximate Hardware Accelerator Using Imprecise Building Blocks | SuperVisor |
11 | Hamed Firouzeh | September 2022 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design of a Gem-5-based simulator to evaluate CPU-related hardware vulnerabilities | SuperVisor |
10 | Ahmad Mohammadi | July 2018 | Computer Engineering | Coordination game in smart grid | SuperVisor |
9 | Farshid Shekari | February 2019 | Computer Engineering | Predicting gene expression using deep learning | SuperVisor |
8 | Hadiseh Roushan | February 2020 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design and simulation of memristor-based accelerator for three-dimensional convolution | Advisor |
7 | Mehri Ghashami | February 2020 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design and simulation of an approximate accelerator for memristor-based 3D-FFT | Advisor |
6 | Saeed Sharifian | January 2021 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design of image encoder accelerator based on chaos theory: high level synthesis and FPGA implementation | Advisor |
5 | Samaneh Rezaee | April 2021 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design and Simulation of an Approximate Floating-Point Multiplier in image processing application | Advisor |
4 | Matineh Lotfi | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Design and simulation of OFDM transceiver on FPGA for 5G | SuperVisor | |
3 | Sara Makenali | September 2022 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Compression of deep neural networks | SuperVisor |
2 | Hossein Rostami | August 2023 | Digital Electronics | Optimizing Assertion Based Verification using CRV | SuperVisor |
1 | Reza Forghani | February 2023 | Electrical Engineering - Digital System Design | Efficient hardware acceleration for deep reinforcement learning | SuperVisor |
Course: B.Sc
No. | Student | Date of Defence | Field | Topic | Supervisor/ Advisor |
3 | Amir Ali Dorafshan | 2005 | Electronics | Design and FPGA implementation of 8051 uc | SuperVisor |
2 | Kimia Taghizadeh Ansari | 2005 | Electronics | Design and FPGA implementation of LCD Driver | SuperVisor |
1 | shahin Farrikhnia | September 2006 | Electronics | Design and FPGA implementation of SDI card | SuperVisor |